Strategic Rallying: Team Centric Product Visioning

Helping Companies Shape a Strategy and Product Vision That Team Members Understand, Contribute to, and Deliver On

Would you like to craft a strategy and product vision but unsure how to get there?

Is your team lacking the direction and alignment to execute quickly and efficiently?

Do you fear your roadmap may not have targeted big growth levers?

Are you missing the strategic user and customer insights to make well-informed decisions?

Do you need to generate new and innovative product concepts to expand your business?

Strategic Rallying Can Help

Strategic Rallying is a key ingredient for establishing a solid direction. After successfully completing the process, you’ll have created a strategy and product vision that your team members understand, contribute to, and rally behind.

The benefits:

  • Create a long-term strategy and product vision you are confident is heading in the right direction and is supported by your team. The strategy and vision is data-driven, addressing the desired business outcomes and solving customer and user problems. It also takes advantage of brilliance and team genius from across the organization.
  • Boost team execution and velocity by cultivating the team’s involvement and collaboration in the product process. Teams that have participated in the product discovery, strategy and visioning activities are invested, motivated, and engaged to execute on the strategy. The best teams execute not only when they understand the strategy but also when they have contributed to it.
  • Collect foundational discovery insights to drive decision making. The team can successfully establish a vision and product priorities directly tied to business goals and customer/user problems.
  • Establish a successful human-centered approach to product by immersing, educating, and involving your teams in the product discovery, strategy, visioning, and execution process.

What is Strategic Rallying?

A rally is the process of bringing people together to support a cause or take concerted action.

In the world of product development, a Strategic Rally involves assembling a cross-functional team to shape a solid strategy and product vision. The rally comes in the form of a Product Visioning Workshop.

Strategic Rallying doesn’t begin on the day of the workshop. Like any team preparing an in-depth game plan, it involves laying the right foundations for success. The three essential steps are:

  1. Team Scouting: Identify the organizational players and understand the landscape to pinpoint team strengths and opportunities
  2. Preseason Discovery: Uncover breakthrough user and market insights to drive product direction
  3. Game Plan: Shape a strategy and product vision through a team-based, collaborative Visioning workshop
Strategic Rallying


Depending on your needs, I guide and partner with your teams in one or all stages of the Strategic Rallying process.  Learn more about the Strategic Rallying process in my monthly live presentation series.

Scouting Program: Team Strengths Assessment and Stakeholder Insight
(2-3 weeks)

We will conduct a series of interviews and interactive working sessions with the executive team, managers, and individual contributors to identify the key organizational players, pinpoint team strengths, and recognize business opportunities. These insights will guide the subsequent strategy and visioning activities.

Discovery Program: Identifying and Collecting Breakthrough Research Insights (4-6 weeks)

To effectively shape your strategy and vision, your team must understand the problem space. I’ll collaborate with your team to gather current insights and discover breakthrough user and market research insights that will guide the strategy and vision.

One-day Product Visioning Workshop

We shape a 3 – 5 year vision of the experience users will have with the product that team members understand, contribute to, and rally behind. The one-day, collaborative workshop will involve cross-functional team members from across your organization.

Coaching Program: Product Discovery and Enablement

Once the team shapes a strategy and vision, they need to take action and successfully execute. I provide coaching to support and guide Product, UX, and Engineering teams as they prioritize roadmap opportunities, ideate on design solutions, and test, measure, and iterate on the product concepts and designs.

Are You Ready to Rally?

Would you like to learn more about how we can work together? Let’s start a conversation.